
The Bed Time Set by Chooze Me Time will allow you to exfoliate, cleanse and moisturize your body while enjoying a spa like therapeutic lavender aroma. Did you have a long day? Can't sleep? Feeling down or stressed?... this set has the ability to calm your nerves, lift your mood, relax and unwind to get a peaceful nights sleep. 

Included in this set:

(1) Foaming Sugar Scrub 8 oz

(1) Body Butter 8 oz

(2) Shower Steamers. 

All products have the perfect combination of lavender, frankincense, myrrh and more!

Shower Steamers: Please place one shower steamer in the back corner of your shower, not in the direct flow of water. As the steam increases the aroma will get stronger. It's simple, just simply breathe in the lavender aroma.

Lavender Foaming Sugar Scrub is exfoliating yet gentle enough to remove dead skin cells. At first its a creamy like texture, then foams up to a luscious lather to cleanse your skin. This will leave your skin feeling moisturized and fresh. You can also use this scrub to shave your legs in the shower. Rinse off with cool water and pat yourself down with a towel. Next follow up with the lavender body butter.

Lavender Body Butter will lock in moisture, leaving your skin feeling soft and silky. This body butter nourishes and restores skin tone with consistent use. Can also provide relief for those that suffer from eczema, psoriasis and/ or dry itchy skin.